Yellow Teeth Treatment with Natural Remedies

Brush with Baking Soda
- To make a paste, in a small cup, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with a few drops of water.
- Make sure that they do not become too thin.
- Apply the baking soda paste to the stiff hair of the toothbrush.
put your toothbrush in the cup so that it becomes slightly soft.
Apple Vinegar
You don’t have to do much to brighten your teeth with this vinegar.
Just take half a teaspoon of apple vinegar in about a cup of water and brush it on the teeth with the help of your toothbrush until your teeth are completely clean.
With the removal of tooth stains, it will gradually shine on your teeth.
Lemon Salt
Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and salt are mild abrasives that remove surface stains from teeth.
How to use lemon salt:
- Mix 2 – 3 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice in 1 teaspoon salt and use it as a toothpaste.
- Let it sit for a few minutes and wash it thoroughly with water.
- Massage your teeth with sea salt with your fingers and then rinse with clean water. Follow this process twice a week.
Holy Basil
Holy basil has medicinal properties that prevent bad breath, tartar, and dental plaque which causes yellow teeth.
How to use Holy basil :
Crush some peppermint and basil leaves to make a paste.
Crush some peppermint and basil leaves to make a paste.
Now using your fingers, gently rub your teeth with this mixture for 3 to 4 minutes.
Neem bark powder is a natural antimicrobial remedy that whitens natural teeth and helps to freshen your breath.
In addition, neem bark powder is meant to combat bacteria that can cause cavities, inflammation, and gum disease.
5 ways to use neem daily for better health:
Chew neem leaves
Chew neem bark
Boil neem leaves in water
Brush with neem toothpaste or neem tooth powder. Use a neem branch
Fibre, fruits and vegetables
Fibre-rich fruits and vegetables. that fibre-rich foods help keep your teeth and gums clean.
Saliva also flows in them. Next to good home dental care, this is your best natural protection against cavities and gum disease.
After about 20 minutes you eat something that contains sugars or starch, your saliva starts reducing the effects of acids and enzymes that attack your teeth.
Saliva contains traces of calcium and phosphate. Therefore it also restores minerals to the areas of teeth that have lost them from bacterial acids.
Green and Black Tea
Green and Black Tea. Both contain polyphenols that interact with plaque bacteria.
These substances either kill or capture bacteria.
This prevents bacteria from growing or forming acids that attack the teeth.
Depending on the type of water you drink your tea, a cup of tea can also be a source of fluoride.
Celery has an exceptionally high water content, which strengthens your gums and washes food debris.
According to research the hard structure of celery also gives it teeth-cleansing benefits, allowing it to physically superficial spots from the enamel surface when eaten raw.
Visiting the Right Dentist
People with larger spaces between their teeth achieve better results with a flat, wide dental tape. Most floss is made of either nylon or Teflon, and both are equally effective. If your teeth are close together, try thinner floss, which you find yourself resistant to.
Clean your teeth with a silk thread
Flossing does 40% of the work required to remove sticky bacteria, or plaque, from your teeth. Plaque produces acids, which can cause cavities, irritate the gums, and lead to gum disease. Each tooth has five surfaces. If you do not floss, you are defiling at least two surfaces.
Choosing the right dentist
Most floss is made of either nylon or Teflon, and both are equally effective.
People with large spaces between their teeth or with gum recession achieve better results with a flat, wide dental tape.
If your teeth are close together, try thinner floss, which bills itself as resistant.
Put Coconut Oil in your Mouth
Coconut oil has natural antibacterial properties and research has shown that coconut oil reduces plaque on your teeth and helps fight gum disease.
Warming coconut oil is compared to washing your dishes, it draws toxins from your mouth that leaves a clean, antiseptic environment in your mouth to prevent cavities in your teeth. It helps stop the flow of good bacteria.
Dentists are cautioned:
Keeping coconut oil in your mouth should not change good oral hygiene.
Your teeth should be cleaned twice daily and flossed regularly.
However, if you are looking for a traditional mouthwash.
So keeping coconut oil in the mouth gives the same benefit.
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Queenie Diva